I am not a VAT payer, so I do not add VAT to my prices!
If you can't see your document below, please scan it (or just take a photo) and send to me by e-mail. I will send you a quote within an hour or two.
Polish documents
- Marriage certificate (short): PLN 102.00
- Marriage certificate (full): PLN 136.00
- Birth certificate (short): PLN 68.00
- Birth certificate (full): PLN 102.00
- Univeristy diploma: PLN 68.00 NB! The above prices may be slightly higher, if the document contains annotations about a change of name, divorce etc.
- Certificate issued by the Chamber of Physicians and Dentists: PLN 68.00, 102.00 or 136.00
- Certificate of clean criminal record: PLN 68.00-102.00
- Certificate of no impediment (to enter into marriage): PLN 68.00
- Sick note ZUS-ZLA: PLN 102.00
English documents
- Certificate of no impediment (UK): PLN 102.00
- P60 (UK): PLN 102.00
- V5C DVLA (UK): PLN 136.00
- Payslip: PLN 68.00
- Marriage certificate (UK, Ireland, Australia): PLN 102.00
- Marriage certificate (USA): PLN 68.00-204.00 (various forms in various states)
- Birth certificate (UK, Ireland, Australia): PLN 102.00
- Birth certificate (USA): PLN 68.00-204.00 (various forms in various states)
- Wedding ceremony at the Registry Office in Poznań: 400 PLN (translation of the whole ceremony)!
- Wedding ceremony outside Poznań: Call for a quote!
- Notarial deeds (company formation, sale of a real property): 350-450 PLN per session (up to two hours)
- Driving test categories B, C (In the case of the Examination Centre in Poznań): 306 PLN (Doesn't matter how long the exam takes). While booking you have to give your translator's license number number. Mine is: TP/1030/05.
- Driving test categories CE: 350 PLN.